Autodesk University 2013 CNC CAM Cut Files

A couple of years ago I wrote a few posts detailing ways to generate CNC cut files using Autodesk Inventor. If you haven’t read them already, here they are:

Part 1 Flat Pattern Export

Part 2 Export Face/Sketch As

Part 3 Create a Drawing

There was meant to be a 4th part to the series. I never got around to writing it for various different reasons, for which I can’t really go into on here. But now the time has come for me to get it off my chest. As it turns out it’s for the better, although I should have pulled finger and wrote this blog post about 8 weeks ago. I’ll be speaking at Autodesk University this year, with my good friend & co-worker, Gavin Bath. We’ve got some great tips & quality little work flows, we can’t reveal everything in all it’s glory for IP reasons, but hopefully we will be able to plant some inspirational seeds. 60 minutes is all we have to put across as many different ways of producing CNC / CAM ready cut files and geometry as we can fit in.

We will use Gecko Racing as the backbone of our class, ultimately resulting in some CNC derived Self-Replication. So if you are attending Autodesk University this year, and you haven’t signed up to our class already, then please review what you are doing between 1pm & 2pm on Wednesday December 4th, it will be great to see you there. If you have any requests or questions about the content in the handout, please comment below.

This class is now live on the Autodesk University website

All the class materials are now available on the AU website for your perusal.