John Evans
“Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves”…Albert Einstein
Scott Moyse
Hey Guys, cheers for checking out First things first, I’m a Proud Cornishman living in the ‘winterless’ north of New Zealand way down in the southern Pacific. I’m currently a Manufacturing Technical Specialist for Autodesk VAR CADPRO Systems, based in Auckland, New Zealand. If you want to know more about my professional background, I keep that up to date on my Linked In Profile.
Although I wouldn’t be surprised if you thought otherwise, I do have a life outside of Design, Autodesk Software, CAM, blogging and twitter. I have a beautiful, tolerant and smart Wife, a very clever 11 year old daughter, and a troublesome 2 year old son. I’m a complete Formula One nut but I’m interested in all forms of petroleum based sport (including NASCAR, sometimes), I used to be an excellent Skier however living in a sub tropical area of the world and loving food too much has made me quite rusty. I’ve also lived in France for a number of years, along with spending a lot of time there as a child with my parents and siblings, which naturally resulted in a love for the place and most things French. I used to be a fluent speaker of the beautiful language, the same can’t be said any more, however, I have no doubt the rot would be reversed after spending a couple of months there again in the future. Fortunately for my wife, my love of food is backed up by a love of cooking, I’ve cooked since I was 6 years old but have always hated the cleaning up afterwards. My favourite thing to cook these days since I’m a long way from Cornwall, is a good ol’ Cornish Pasty! I’m also very fond of travelling, preferably to go on holiday though. I’ve been fortunate enough to visit a number of countries around the world and hope that will continue in the future.
Anyway I reckon that’s enough about me, I hope the content I post on this blog will speak for itself.
If you like you can follow me on twitter where I bang on about all sorts of stuff!
Mike Thomas
I spent the first chunk of my career in the Autodesk channel working for an Autodesk reseller as an Application Specialist. During my travels, I delivered countless hours of training, support, demos, and implementations. I got to see a lot of great places, meet interesting people, and see problems that I was very fortunate to help solve with Autodesk software and improved processes.
I’ve been using AutoCAD since r13 (c4 to be specific… I know, I know missed all the “fun” of r13), cut my solid modeling teeth on Mechanical Desktop, and have been using Inventor since before it was known as Inventor (anyone remembers Rubicon?). Data Management has always been a big part of my professional life, for the most part with Autodesk Vault and all of its flavours.
Now I am the Technical Services Manager at Prairie Machine ( a mining equipment manufacturer. I’m responsible for overseeing the companies technical operations and technical growth. Primary duties include the ongoing support of both software and hardware while improving the interaction between departments. We’re always looking to get stronger, faster, and more efficient.
Outside of work I am blessed with four beautiful daughters who I am actively involved in coaching their various activities. You can find me on twitter (@aurbis).
Gavin Bath
Hello, I’m Gavin, a Technical Consultant for an Autodesk VAR in Christchurch, New Zealand. I emigrated here from South Africa when I was 11 years old, eventually marrying a girl from the deep south (of New Zealand.) We have 2 child-substitutes in the form of Sphynx cats, but hope to add some human members to the family at some point too.
Outside of work I am a man of numerous varied passions and interests. A few that stand out would be: touring around our beautiful country on my motorbike with my wife, hacking my espresso machine to make a better cup, performing CNC conversions on machine tools, and building UAVs. Some of these personal projects might filter through to my blog posts as most of my hobbies involve design/digital prototyping of some sort.
I’m an Autodesk Inventor 2015 Certified Professional and focus on Inventor, Vault and the HSM CAM products. My role is a split between technical support/consulting and software development, usually in the form of customisation for Autodesk Products. Before becoming a Technical Consultant, I spent about 10 years using Inventor and Vault as a mechanical designer. I have worked in a variety of industries including Aerospace, Defense, Consumer Products, and materials handling equipment for everything from logging/mining to food. In these areas I’ve designed machinery, equipment and products involving a huge variety of materials and manufacturing processes.
I place utmost emphasis on manufacturability in the design work I do, as a result of having always worked very closely with the manufacturing environment. This has taught me to adapt and calibrate my digital-prototyping tools to give real-world results.
Working for a reseller, I now get even more exposure to interesting companies in a huge range of additional fields. This gives me a great insight into the real needs and frustrations that designers and engineers face every day. I’ll draw from this experience to try to provide you with interesting and valuable information. Of course my views expressed on Design & Motion are my own & don’t necessarily represent those of my employer.
Follow me on Twitter
Scott Wertel
Scott Wertel is a Configuration Manager in the defense and aerospace industry and provides freelance design services to a variety of interests. Scott has spent decades following the engineering software industry due to his “unnatural affinity” for CAD and uses that insight to best position his employer and clients for change.
Scott graduated from the Milwaukee School of Engineering and is a licensed professional mechanical engineer in the state of Arizona.