Resizing the Autodesk Vault History row height or size in the History tab is a function of the thumbnail column size. That is probably intuitive for some, but it took awhile to figure this out. I kept looking for a thumbnails vs. details in the customization options, and never finding it. It’s just simpler than that.

Notice the row height of the History tab in the image below; it’s big . The obvious side effect is that few list items are viewable at any time. The thumbnails rarely pay off for me unless they are rather large. Typically, I’d rather have more history to see the edit cycle.

Autodesk Vault History row height with thumbnails are large

To reduce the row height, all you need to do is drag the width of the thumbnail smaller, and the row height shrinks to match.

Autodesk Vault History row height is a function of the thumbnails column width

The smaller you drag the width of the thumbnail column, the smaller the height becomes. Ultimately, the smallest height appears to be the text height.

Should you choose to, you can remove the column altogether, and the row height will reduce automatically to its smallest setting. Simply pick the column header and use the ‘Customize View’ function on the right-click context menu. Pick the column header first or you won’s see the option.