The Corner Seam feature within the Inventor Sheet Metal environment really has lost a lot of its luster with how Flanges auto-miter corners. And lets also not forget that you can override the corner conditions for each flange intersection. The Corner Seam feature is still there, just waiting for the opportunity to show you what it can do. With Corner Seams you create  seams (gaps) between faces that intersect or are coplanar.

Inventor SM - Corner Seams

After starting the feature the first step is to pick two edges from existing flanges, hems, or faces. Once selected a preview is generated, which helps in picking the right options. The Seam (aka the gap between edges) is configured as Maximum Gap Distance or Face / Edge Distance. Both options have there own specific options.

  • With Maximum Gap distance the seam gap is created so that it could be measured with an inspection gauge or calipers. The biggest “bang for the buck” with this option is with non-square corners.
  • Face / Edge distance is exclusive to the Corner Seam feature and is not used by the Flange Auto mitre feature. With Face / Edge Apply the seam gap sized is based on measurements from the flange.

With the Seam measurement type selected next specify the type of seam… Symmetric / No Overlap, Overlap, or Reverse Overlap. Use the Gap textbox to set the desired gap size. Corner Seam works with Hems too

Inventor SM - Corner Seam with Hems

The second method of using Corner Seam is for creating rips in connected corners, typically when converting a 3D model into a Sheet Metal component. By selecting the Rip option you then select the intersecting corner edge and Inventor creates a seam to rip the faces apart

Inventor SM - Corner Seam Rip

Feature Image PROJlhopgood Sackboy’s Corner