Autodesk University is almost upon us. Here’s a little familiar tune to get you into the spirit of the event

It’s beginning to look a lot like A U
Everywhere you go;
Take a look in the forums, glistening once again
With twibbons and green badges aglow.

It’s beginning to look a lot like A U
Details overwhelming email
Lets all hope to see that the lines for lunch will be
not as slow as a snail

An AU after party, with a bunch of bacardi
Is the wish of Gavin Bath;
3D Printers that will talk and will go for a walk
Is on John’s learning path;
And Design and Motion can hardly wait to blog the talk;

It’s beginning to look a lot like A U
Don’t be overwhelmed
There are sessions in the Mandalay Bay, many over drink
Behave yourselves

It’s beginning to look a lot like A U;
Soon the keynote will start,
And the thing that will make it rock is Carl Bass doing a dance
It melts your heart.

The following video contains singing that some viewers may find disturbing – Viewer discretion is strongly advised. Video is intended for audiences with a sense of humor and poor hearing only as it contains singing of a horrendous nature.

The singing expressed in this video does not necessarily reflect the views nor taste of Design & Motion. That being said, you have been warned!